Other Services Offered
Basic Landman skills are transferable to a number of different areas. Following are a few of the other areas where TWW Landmen have proven themselves. If you have any questions or seek assistance with another type of project, please feel free to contact us.
TWW land professionals have developed an expertise in the research and interpretation of well data in producing fields and also in areas of current activity. Our experience helps us, for example, determine if a previously drilled well is holding a single lease or other acreage, at what depths, and whether or not a well will affect the minerals we are researching. Because we know the answers to questions like these, we don’t have to waste time and effort to find the mineral owners.
Although it has been around for years, 3-D Seismic has recently exploded into the Petroleum Industry and, in a sense, has become a litmus test in exploration projects. A great deal of work is involved in purchasing Seismic Option Agreements, including identifying and locating the affected surface owners, understanding their issues, managing their perceptions and negotiating an agreement. It also involves notifying and gaining the agreement of any companies holding oil and gas leases in the shoot area.
TWW Landmen have negotiated seismic options in Texas and other states and we have had favorable dealings with large ranches and prominent landowners. We can get the job done quickly and effectively.
Working with strategic partners, TWW can facilitate Phase 1 & 2 environmental site assessments, wetlands delineations, Section 404/401 Clean Water Act permitting, NEPA Reviews and habitat assessments. Environmental assessments can be standalone or part of a larger contracted project.
Gas storage involves injecting gas into a depleted reservoir, a practice that occurs quite often in Louisiana and Mississippi and has historically occurred less often in Texas. However, with the increase in drilling activity, gas storage reservoirs are in short supply and we expect the demand for gas storage in Texas to increase over the next few years.
Understandably, when a land owner hears there is interest in storing gas on or near their property, they have concerns and need factual information about the process. The Landman’s role in a gas storage project requires good Public Relations skills, as we are involved in many public meetings where our role is to dispel misinformation and disseminate good information. The most common misinformation typically revolves around rumors the gas will explode or the mineral owner will never be able to lease their minerals again. These are very sensitive issues that require an empathetic ear and a valid explanation.
Landmen typically get involved before the company’s lawyers have filed the permitting paperwork with the FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) in Washington, DC and with any State and Local regulatory agencies. During that time, we work with the mineral and surface owners to obtain at least 50% agreement on the project before filing for permit.
After the permitting process (typically six months or more), we negotiate the agreements that involve annual rental payments to the owners.
TWW Landmen have experience negotiating the entire gas storage process, making us a valuable partner for your gas storage needs. In addition to negotiating rental payments and facilitating the permits for gas storage:
- We negotiate and coordinate all pipeline routes within the gas storage field, working with the surface owners, contractors, and surveyors along with obtaining all the permits and applications for pipeline construction.
- Settle surface damages from gas storage operations.