Title Examination

Accurate title research is the foundation of every land project, and it always has a significant economic impact for our clients. TWW has developed an internal system of checks and balances throughout our organization to assure our clients get the most accurate title work available. 

TWW Landmen specialize in:

  • Cursory lease checks to determine if minerals are currently leased or held by production or if they are available for our clients to lease.
  • Cursory surface title examination for pipeline right-of-way, road construction, wind power, gas storage or wireless applications;
  • More in-depth mineral or surface ownership title work for mineral lease or surface acquisition;
  • Drillsite or division order runsheets for attorney’s title opinions, starting from the sovereignty of the soil through current day ownership of minerals, surface and leasehold. 

TWW’s thorough title examiners will notate all mineral reservations, royalty reservations, and non-participating royalty reservations on the run sheet and identify them on flowcharts. Terms of current Oil and Gas Leases are identified by royalty, term, and special provisions or clauses. Assignments are identified by type and amount of interest being assigned. Tracts are platted and changes in legal descriptions and subdivisions are broken out on our custom maps.

For samples of our Mineral Ownership Reports, Runsheets, Flowcharts, and Maps, please visit the Work Samples section.  Our clients can tell at a glance – or in detail – what’s going on in their prospective area.